Saturday, November 10, 2012

Peanut & the Mermaid Featured at Redbubble...

Peanut & the Mermaid

I have a little story
It’s one you must believe
As you well know Sir Peanut
Is not one to be naive.

One day he was a hovering
Not far above the shore
When something caught his eye
He flew nearer to see more.

To his delight and gladness
His heart did skip a beat.
For in his sight he saw it
A girl that had no feet!!

In the place where feet should be
She had a tail instead.
He had never seen such as this
A human who wasn’t 2 footed.

Suddenly she saw him
Feeling the breeze from his little wings.
She laughed at his silly goggles & hat
And smiled at his untied shoestrings.

He saw that she was smiling
And did not mean him harm.
He just knew they would be friends
Her laugh left him disarmed.

She invited him to join her,
To swim, and frolic and play.
They became the best of friends,
Forever from that day.

So, this was the story I was told.
A day Sir Peanut won’t forget.
This was the happy memory of
The day he and the mermaid met. . .

a rhonda original© 2010